Brentwood Map

Brentwood map, view the Essex town of Brentwood, situated near to the town of Basildon.

Detailed Street Map of Brentwood Essex

Brentwood Map: Interactive map of Brentwood, showing the town near to Basildon in Essex. Use controls to view a detailed street map of Brentwood, and a Brentwood town centre map showing Brentwood Railway Station, the Cathedral Church of Saint Mary and Saint Helen, off the Ingrave Road.

Also on this Brentwood map are Pilgrim's Hatch, Shenfield, South Weald and Warley, also shown are Weald Country Park, Thorndon Country Park and the Hartswood Golf Club.

Brentwood is a London commuter belt town within the county of Essex, it has a population of around 45,000, and despite its proximity to London is surrounded by woodland and open countryside. Brentwood seems to have developed in Saxon times around the Roman road between London and Colchester.

While in Brentwood visit the Thorndon Country Park, the Weald Country Park in South Weald, the Old MacDonald's Educational Farm Park, and the Brentwood Karting Raceway in Little Warley.

Brentwood can be accessed from the M25, the A12 and the A128, it is 9.5 miles from Basildon, 12 miles from Chelmsford, and 30 miles from London.

Essex Pages: Essex Map - Essex Weather

Related Links: Harlow Map - Southend Map - Clacton Map