Black Notley Map

Black Notley map, view the Essex village of Black Notley and nearby.

Detailed Street Map of Black Notley

Black Notley Map: Interactive map of Black Notley, showing the small village situated near to Braintree in the county of Essex in eastern England.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Black Notley. Also on this Black Notley map are Braintree, Great Notley, Row Green, Tye Green, Cressing and White Notley.

The village of Black Notley is located to the south of Braintree in Essex, it is famous as the birthplace of John Ray (known as the father of English natural history), another famous son was William Beddell (Bishop Beddell), a square monument to him can be found in the churchyard. Its church St Peter and St Paul dates from Norman times though there have been many later additions and renovations.

Black Notley was listed in the Domesday Book (1086) as Nutlea and local legend tells that it acquired its name 'Black' Notley due to a particularly savage outbreak of the plague, though this may not be true.

While in Black Notley, visit the Great Notley Country Park, and the Braintree District Museum.

Black Notley can be reached by taking the Notley Road (Witham Road) from Braintree, it is about 2 miles from that town, and 52 miles from London.

Related Links: Braintree Map - Chelmsford Map