Newmarket Map

Newmarket map, view the Suffolk horse racing town of Newmarket, located to the west of Bury St Edmunds.

Detailed Street Map of Newmarket Suffolk

Newmarket Map Suffolk: Interactive map of Newmarket, showing the location of the town situated to the west of Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk eastern England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Newmarket or a Newmarket town centre map, where you can see Newmarket College, Newmarket Hospital, Newmarket Horse Racing Museum and Newmarket Railway Station.

By zooming out on this Newmarket map you can view the areas of Landwade, Snailwell, Exning, Moulton, Cheveley and the Links Golf Club.

Located in the far west of the county of Suffolk, the market town of Newmarket is mostly associated with horse racing and is in fact the headquarters of horse racing in England.

Newmarket has a population of around 15,000 and is about 65 miles north of London, horse racing has taken place in the town since the 12th century.

In Newmarket visit the National Horse Racing Museum, Burwell Museum, Pakenham Water Mill, and Devil's Dyke.

Newmarket can be reached via the A14 and the A142, it is 17 miles from Bury St Edmunds, 13 miles from Cambridge and 43 miles from Ipswich.

More Newmarket Info: Newmarket Weather

Newmarket Hotels: Bedford Lodge

Suffolk Info: Suffolk Map

Suffolk Places: Mildenhall - Felixstowe - Lowestoft - Corton - Long Melford - Sudbury - Stowmarket